Why Blogger? Well for a few reasons: 1.) It's Free! 2.) It's a breeze to setup and 3.) Google owns it. Yeah, the same Google that's helping us earn money through their AdSense program - A perfect marriage indeed.
Ok, so you have your blog topic (or maybe not but you will soon…right?) I'm going to get you hooked up to the service in no more than 10 minutes (times will vary for animals and small children). At the end of this you'll be ready to start writing up some content, free of charge.
1.) Go to Blogger and sign in with your Google account. If you don't use any Google services like Gmail you can create a new account here.
2.) Click on the “Create Your Blog Now” button arrow on the bottom right and fill in the information.
3.) Name your blog and give it an address. Make sure the name is meaningful and not too long.
4.) Choose from one of the many templates available.
5.) Your blog has been created!
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